Health Programs
1. Child Health
- National Immunization Program (BCG, DPT/Hep B/Hib, Polio, Measles, JE, TT, ..........)
- National Nutrition Program (Growth monitoring, Infant and Young Child Feeding, Deworming, Vit A distribution, Iron supplementation, Iodine supplementation)
- CB-IMCI (ARI, Diarrhoeal Disease)
- Community –based Newborn Care Program (CB-NCP)
2. Family Health
- Safe Motherhood (ANC, Delivery Service, PNC, CAC, PAC)
- Family Planning (Condom, Pills, Depo, IUCD, Implant, Sterilization)
- Prolapse screening and surgery
- Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive health
- Elderly population health
- Gender based violence
- Sub fertility management
- New born care
- Population Program
3. Disease Control Program
- Tuberculosis
- Leprosy
- Malaria
- HIV and AIDS
- Epidemic Outbreak and Disaster Management
4. Training
5. Health Education
6. Special Health
9. Health Promotion for Non Communicable Diseases
10. Curative Services